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Wuriti, Arabica coffee beans
Wuriti, Arabica coffee beans
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Wuriti, Arabica coffee beans

This arabica has developed its acidity and aroma at altitude. It’s delicious notes are at their best served with chocolate desserts. The box protects the coffee from coming into contact with the air and from oxidation. To preserve the aromas of your coffee, store it in its tightly closed box, at room temperature and in a place dry.

A surprise awaits you with a purchase of 40 euros or more, exclusively online.
Shipping in 48h, worldwide delivery.


Cette boîte protège au mieux le café du contact de l'air et de l'oxydation. Pour profiter des arômes de votre café, gardez-le dans sa boîte bien fermée, à température ambiante et dans un endroit sec.

More Information
More Information
Allergen Absence
Native country HONDURAS
Genus and botanical species Coffea arabica
Ingredients café grain (torréfié) High Grown
TRACES EVENTUELLES D'ALLERGÈNES céleri, sésame, moutarde, fruits à coques.