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Turmeric powder

Turmeric powder

Turmeric is a tinctorial plant with a light peppery taste, musky and slightly acrid. In India, turmeric is a sacred spice, a sign of good news. An essential ingredient of the famous French bouillabaisse fish soup, turmeric will enliven all your meat and fish dishes, stews, and even bring a smile to your face !

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Turmeric or "country saffron"!

The Sacred History of Turmeric

Originally from Southeast India, it is widely cultivated in Asia and Africa. In Reunion Island, "country saffron" is inseparable from caris, traditional dishes that are highly fragrant, where it shines with a thousand lights and virtues.

Turmeric is considered a sacred spice

In Mauritius and India, the future bride smears her face and body with turmeric as a purification ritual. In the past, turmeric was used as a dye for monks' robes. For Buddhists, the saffron color symbolizes the path to Nirvana. Turmeric is used as a spice; it is commonly used in spice blends like curry or massalé, but it also serves as a food coloring and was once used in paint.

Turmeric Manufacturing Method

Turmeric is a rhizome with a magnificent orange-yellow color, with peppery and musky aromas. It comes from a tropical plant in the same family as ginger.

A lengthy process: after cleaning and cutting it, it is boiled to remove its skin, then once peeled and dried, it is ground into powder.

Turmeric is used in many spice blends from Indian, Caribbean, Nepalese, Thai, or North African cuisine: curry, tandoori, Vadouvan, colombo, ras el hanout. It has been traded on the spice route between East and West since ancient times.

New Turmeric Recipe Idea!

Turmeric, the homemade curry, is made in several steps. Start by cutting a chicken into pieces. Then brown the pieces in olive oil. Then add 2 diced onions and 2 cloves of garlic. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of kaffir lime. Add salt, pepper, and thyme and let simmer for 30 minutes. ...Cariment good!

See the recipe for Kerala fish curry

My homemade curry recipe with turmeric

More Information
More Information
Allergen Absence
Native country INDE
Genus and botanical species Curcuma longa
Ingredients fine powder of turmeric root
Nutritional Info VN Energie pour 100 g (energy for 100g) : 1220 kJ / 291 kcal
VN Matière grasse (fat) : 3.25 g
Dont acide gras saturés (of which saturated fat) : 1.84 g
VN Glucides (carbohydrate) : 44.4 g
Dont sucres (of which sugars) : 3.21 g
VN Protéines (protein) : 9.68 g
Vn Sel (salt) : 0.068 g
TRACES EVENTUELLES D'ALLERGÈNES céleri, sésame, moutarde, fruits à coques.