Trésors de Beauce, harvested at the Farm of the 3 Kings.

At the helm of this family farm, the Desforges family has been cultivating cereals for 5 generations.
Jean-Louis Desforges wanted to convert his 142 hectares to organic farming before handing over the reins in 2018 to his two sons, Jérémy and Jonathan Desforges. A successful project, as the farm received the Organic Agriculture label in 2020.

The Birth of Trésors de Beauce

Dried vegetables and other plant-based proteins have complemented their initial offering of full Beauce cereals. Concerned about offering a healthy production, they have trained in agricultural techniques that allow for environmentally friendly land management.
The brand Trésors de Beauce was thus born. Their treasures? Plant-based proteins: legumes, cereals, oilseeds, and high-quality herbs.
Trésors de Beauce, a responsible company that adheres to the High Environmental Value label
Thanks to their technical expertise and cutting-edge agricultural equipment, Trésors de Beauce fills our plates with natural products from a production that respects biodiversity through responsible fertilization and irrigation management. A job well done every day, from sowing to packaging

A virtuous agricultural cycle
Implantation on a farm is carried out in the rotation of different crops. This allows nourishing and fertilizing the soil to become self-sustaining.
Step 1 – Crop rotation
This is the distribution of crops and their placement for the next ten years. It's important to note that legumes are rich in proteins, fixing nitrogen in the soil and making it more fertile. Therefore, alternation is necessary.
Step 2 – Plowing
This involves opening and turning the soil to aerate it and bring up mineral salts. When certain crops do not need it, the soil is covered with a plant-based fertilizer to release its microorganisms and fertilize.
Step 3 – Seeding
In spring, beans, lentils, chickpeas, corn, sunflowers, quinoa, potatoes, and onions are planted, while in autumn, it's the turn of cereals. The season is crucial as the soil must be between 18 and 20°C for optimal growth.
Step 4 – Blind hoeing
Using a harrow hoe, stubborn weeds are removed a few days after sowing.
Step 5 – Hoeing
All Treasures from Beauce crops are sown at 15 or 45 cm between rows, allowing weeding between rows. The hoes are at the cutting edge of technology with cameras that guide them along the lines.
Step 6 – Harvest
After all this work, and a bit of patience, it's finally harvest time.
Each year, 350 tons of vegetable plants, 145 tons of dried vegetables, 130 tons of cereals, and 25 tons of sunflower and soybean seeds are collected.

Trésors de Beauce, responsible even with the packaging!

All products are packaged at the Farm of the 3 Kings in compostable paper. Even the ink is natural, and the glue is biodegradable, allowing for composting the entire package at home.